
I never stay till so late before. It's 2:38a.m. now. =) I had changed my blog's skin. Although this is not the perfect one, I'm just trying to make some changes to my blog. I wished to have a more cheerful blogskin but i failed to find a suitable one.x) I'm just procrastinating here since i have roughly 2 more weeks to WASTE. I am not meant to be like that but i'm just too lazy. Argh.... Life is meaningless now. Sleep. Play. Procrastinating. TV. Music. Study.What else? Maybe i should do some revisions before the school reopen. I know i should but i can't. I don't feel like going to open those books. I don't have the courage to take the challenge. I realised that I'm weak no matter what. Do you believe in magic? A thought is a magic.

p/s: please ignore the grammar/ spelling mistakes

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